ผลกระทบของแรงจูงใจต่อความทุ่มเท การมีส่วนร่วม และพันธะทางใจที่มีต่อสถาบันของนักศึกษาในระดับอุดมศึกษา

นุจรี สุพัฒน์


Student dropout problem has become critical since the number of dropped students has been increasing. Even though several reasons to dropout were given by the students, the institutional commitment is one of the best factors that can explain the student dropout. This research aims to study the effects of the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of the students on their effort, involvement, and institutional commitment. The questionnaire survey was designed. The 380 data sets were collected from the students enrolling in a private university in Thailand. Structural equation modeling was applied to test the structural relationships among all constructs. The results indicated that the intrinsic motivation significantly affected student effort, involvement and commitment while the extrinsic motivation influenced the commitment of the student but not their effort and involvement. In addition, the effort and involvement were found to have no effects on the student commitment to the institution.


Extrinsic motivation; Intrinsic motivation; Institutional commitment

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