แบบการติดต่อสือสารของผู้บริหารสถานศึกษาตามทัศนะผู้บริหารสถานศึกษาและครูสังกัด สำนักงานเขตพื้นทีการศึกษาประถมศึกษายโสธร

สุกัลยา นามแก้ว


        This research aimed to 1) study communication form of education institute administrator based on the opinion of administrators and teachers under Yasothon Primary Educational Service Area and 2) compare communication form of education institute administrator based on the opinion of administrator and teacher under Yasothon Primary Educational Service Area classified by gender, position, age, educational background, marriage status, working experience, academic standing, monthly salary, educational service area and educational institute size. Sample group was educational institute
administrators and teachers who were working in the educational institute 2013. by Stratified Random Sampling including 106 administrators and 246teachers. Questionnaire with reliability of 0.869 was used as collecting data tool. The data was analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way
ANOVA and Scheffe’s method for pair of variance comparisonThe finding showed;
          1. Overall, communication form of education institute administrator based on the opinion of administrators and teachers under Yasothon Primary Educational Service Area was high. Each aspect was ranked as follows 1) lively form 2) systematic form 3) sympathetic and 4) commanding form
          2. comparison of communication form of education institute administrator based on the opinion of administrator and teacher under Yasothon Primary Educational Service Area was significantly different at.05 as classified by gender, position, age, educational background, monthly salary, educational service area and educational institute size while there was no different as classified by working experience.


Communication Form, Education Institute Administrator based on the Opinion

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