การสร้างสรรค์ศิลปะการแสดงพืนเมืองในสถาบันอุดมศึกษาภาคใต้ ช่วงปี พ.ศ. 2554 – 2558

นัฏภรณ์ พูลภักดี


The current research aims, firstly, to explore the methods of creating traditional performing arts in the Southern Institution of Education between the year 2011-2015 (2554 B.E. - 2558 B.E.), and, secondly to study the effects of developing the traditional performing arts' creation among the institution of education in the southern area. The research instruments for the current study were purposive sampling, observation, structured interview and unstructured interview. When the data was completed, it would be presented in form of descriptive research

According to the investigation, significant findings were found as follows: The first finding was shown that the fundamental concept of southern traditional dances were influenced by delight lifestyle of local people, their respect and admiration to the royal family and the attempt to mime their local animals.
Secondly, the components of performances in terms of music were found that three main rhythm of the music, slow, moderate and fast were employed as well as local animals’ sounds were imitated. Thirdly, the result also showed that the performers’ costumes were generally designed based on Muslim and local
garment as well as local animals’ postures. Fourthly, several performances’ prop was adapted and produced from the local instruments. Fifthly, the researcher found that dancing postures were mimed from general people’s gestures including local and oversea performing arts. The last finding, it was found that
the performance’s deployment was arranged in forms of V-shape, inverted V-shape, round-shape, singlerow shape, oblique-line shape, side-by-side-line shape, triangle-shape, square-shape, trapezoid-shape and M-shape. Moreover, key extents that affected the creation of southern traditional performances between the year the year 2011-2015 (2554 B.E. - 2558 B.E.) included the social, economic and cultural factors.


traditional performing arts; southern institution of educations.

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